Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio, Ambiente e Matematica ha organizzato per l'anno 2024 alcune Summer School. Trovate le informazioni in questa pagina.

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) XIII International Summer School Decentralized water and waste management systems: appropriate technologies and solutions for resilience and sustainability - rural and isolated communities in developing countries

The course will be held from Monday 24th June to Tuesday 2nd July 2024
From 24 to 28 June (in person); 1-2 July (remote)

University of Brescia - DICATAM Via Branze 43, Brescia (Italy) Room B.05

Modality of participation
This course integrates a short duration physical mobility component (5 days
without counting travel days, from 24th to 28 June 2024) with an online
component (2 days, from 1st and 2nd July 2024), with a minimum of 3 ECTS.
A certificate of attendance will be issued for students attending at least 75 % of the program.

The participation is free of charge, but registration is required by filling up the
form within the 31th May 2024 at the following link:

This summer school is organized as an Erasmus BIP - Blended Intensive Programme. Students should apply for BIP funds at their home university if available.

If the registration through BIP program is not possible, students can still register without funding options. 

Contact: [email protected]
Coordinator: Sabrina Sorlini

Vione: history, restoration and structural rehabilitation of the rural mountain heritage

Aim and Scope 
The Summer School “Vione: history, restoration and structural rehabilitation of the rural mountain heritage”, promoted by the University of Brescia (June 24-28, 2024), is part of the “Vione. Permanent Laboratory” project, which includes a series of activities organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Vione and the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica. Vione rises in northern Valle Camonica, an Italian mountain area neighboring the Swiss Alps, on the Easternside of Lombardy.
The project aims to increase knowledge, recovery and valorization of mountain villages. Many examples of traditional mountain construction are preserved in Vione: these examples are essential both to understand rural mountain building traditions and to preserve them through appropriate intervention projects.
The course, which will be held between Brescia and Vione, will investigate, first of all, the historical stratification of Vione, the construction and strengthening techniques, the types of materials and their origin, the state of conservation of the buildings and the most frequent structural systems used. Knowledge of the characteristics of the historical buildings will highlight the main critical issues of the construction heritage. The lectures will be completed with in-depth studies on structural behavior of wooden floors, wooden roofs, vaults, arches and masonry walls topics. Hence, one of the main goals of the Summer School is to offer an innovative background on existing structures.
Participants, through laboratory activities, will be able to investigate real case studies refining their ability to read and interpret historical buildings, using the most appropriate intervention techniques. The intervention projects designed have the goal of guaranteeing the maintenance continuity of mountain rural architectural heritage, encouraging its reuse by improving its energy efficiency, usability conditions and structural performance.

June, 24-26, 2024 | Room B0.3, University of Brescia, DICATAM: via Branze, 43 Brescia 
June, 27-28, 2024 | Vione town hall: Piazza Vittoria, 1 - Vione Brescia

How Should Attend
University students (especially engineering and architecture students), Graduate students, PhDs, post-doctoral researchers, university staff and practitioners willing to do research and application in the field of history, restoration and structural rehabilitation of the rural mountain heritage.

Fee and Payment
Students, PhDs, research fellows belonging to DICATAM or UNITA-University Montium alliance: free of charge (for students, a guest-house in Vione (26-28 June, 3 nights) will be available for free. There are agreements with local cafè to reduce prices)
Engineers registered with the Brescia Engineer Chamber (30 CFP): 200€
For everyone else: 250€
The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 30.

For all registrations and payments: Valentina Loli | [email protected]
For assistance in any accommodation facilities: Elisa Sala, UNIBS | [email protected]
For registration to Brescia Engineer Chamber CFP: -> area “FORMAZIONE” -> “OFFERTA FORMATIVA DELL’ORDINE”


Ultimo aggiornamento il: 16/05/2024