Tuition fees exemption or reduction

Students who are enrolled in First Cycle Degree courses, Second Cycle degrees and Single Cycle degrees can obtain exemption or reductions in payment of university fees (second and third instalments) due to merit, income, disabilities or other specific requisites.

First instalment of 156 Euro (the fee for admission to degree programmes, where applicable, must be added): the exemption does not apply to the regional tax for the entitlement to study of 140 Euro, and the duty stamp of 16 Euro, which must be paid in any case.

Only students who have handicaps with an invalidity of 66% or more and/or recognised handicap (Law 104/92 art. 3 par. 1) are required to pay just the 16 Euro duty stamp.

Exemptions can be total or partial, and are granted by request of the student, or outright, without any formal request being made.


The reduction for siblings is a reduction of university fees for students that have a brother or sister who is already enrolled in Università degli studi di Brescia (with a lower enrolment number).
In order to be entitled to a reduction for siblings, the brother or sister (with a higher enrolment number), must:

  • Be enrolled or registered at Università degli Studi di Brescia for the 2022/2023 academic year and have been enrolled for a number of years which is less than or equal to the normal duration of the course, plus one;
  • belong to the same family nucleus identified in ISEE certification for reduced education rates, released for the purposes of calculating University fees;
  • Have an ISEE status of an amount less than or equal to 100,000.00 Euro.

The reductions are as follows:

  • 50% of the all-inclusive amount payable by students with ISEE status, for reduced education rates for university entitlement, lower than €30,000.00;
  • 35% of the all-inclusive amount payable by students with ISEE status, for reduced education rates for university entitlement, between €30,000.00 and €49.999,99;
  • 20% of the all-inclusive amount payable by students with ISEE status, for reduced education rates for university entitlement, of between €50,000.00 and € 100,000.00;
  • no reduction is provided for students with ISEE status for reduced education rates for university entitlement higher than € 100,000.00 or students that do not present ISEE certification. 

The application for reduced rates for siblings can be accepted no later than 31 December 2022.

If the brother/sister with a lower enrolment number graduates in the special session of the academic year preceding that of the request of reduction by the brother/sister with a higher enrolment number, the agreed reduction will be revoked, with the recalculation of the fees.


Students involved in educational activities abroad as part of Erasmus PLUS study programmes, Traineeships or who are doing a thesis abroad, and who acquire more than 12 CFU credits per semester, are entitled to reduced fees, or reimbursement of €30 for each credit acquired over the twelfth CFU for each semester.

The reduction applies up to a maximum of 18 CFU credits per semester (or 36 CFUs a year).

Students involved in educational activities abroad as part of international agreements held by the University (non-Erasmus, including Dual Qualification activities) and for which students must pay fees, are exempted from paying the university fees (second and third instalments) in proportion with the period of time spent abroad because they have not availed of teaching delivered in their home university. The above is notwithstanding any alternative provisions set out in international cooperation agreements in force


The student who has a child can benefit of the reduction of the all-inclusive contribution (except for the regional tax for the right to study, the stamp duty and the admission fee to degree, where requested), until the third birthday of the son/daughter.

The reductions are as follows:

  • 50% of the all-inclusive amount payable by students with ISEE status, for reduced education rates for university entitlement, lower than €30,000.00;
  • 35% of the all-inclusive amount payable by students with ISEE status, for reduced education rates for university entitlement, between €30,000.00 and €49.999,99;
  • 20% of the all-inclusive amount payable by students with ISEE status, for reduced education rates for university entitlement, of between €50,000.00 and € 100,000.00;
  • no reduction is provided for students with ISEE status for reduced education rates for university entitlement higher than € 100,000.00 or students that do not present ISEE certification. 

The reduction is granted only to one parent.

To obtain the reduction, please send your request and the birth certificate of the son/daughter to this e-mail adress: [email protected]

Riduzione per convenzioni (accordi)

Sono esonerati dalla contribuzione gli studenti partecipanti a progetti per i quali sia stata stipulata una convenzione o un accordo che preveda l'esonero dalla contribuzione nella percentuale prevista dalla convenzione/accordo.

Gli studenti dipendenti o figli di dipendenti di aziende metalmeccaniche che sono risultati beneficiari delle borse di studio finanziate da EBM (al massimo 60 studenti), sulla base di apposita convenzione approvata 16 dal Senato Accademico, sono esonerati dal pagamento dei contributi universitari per ciascuno dei tre anni della borsa di studio, fatto salvo il rispetto dei requisiti previsti per il rinnovo della borsa stessa.

Riduzione per invalidità tra il 50% e 65%

Gli studenti con una percentuale di invalidità tra il 50% e il 65%, di cui all’art.8 co. 7 del DPCM 9 aprile 2001, beneficiano di una riduzione del contributo onnicomprensivo di € 300,00.


In their capacity as graduates of the new academic year, enrolled Students who obtain their qualification by 30 April, in acquiring credits or attending lessons in the first educational period of the new academic year, must pay the full amount of the regional tax for study entitlement and half the university fees required according to financial status.

The reduction does not apply to students who obtain their qualification before 30 April if they interrupted their studies during the previous academic year, even if the student only needs to complete the final exam.

Last updated on: 11/08/2023