Engineering Area

There are three different types of internship for the Engineering courses: curricular internships, vocational internships, and extracurricular internships. Students can choose to carry out a placement either in Italy or abroad.


Curricular internships are compulsory or optional depending on the course. They are compulsory for:

  • the Computer Science and Engineering course (Second Cycle degree);
  • the Industrial Product and Process Techniques course (three-year vocational degree)
  • the Construction Techniques course (three-year vocational degree)

Curricular internships are optional for the other degree courses in the Engineering area.

Curricular internships can be internal or external:

  • Internal curricular internships are work carried out in the University of Brescia and co-ordinated by a university tutor.
  • External curricular internships are work carried out at a Host Entity such as a company, studio, or public or private body and are co-ordinated by a university tutor and a company tutor.

Please see the Internships page of your degree course to check which type of internship can be carried out.


Vocational internships are compulsory and set out for the Construction Techniques and Industrial Product and Process Techniques courses.


A kinship, relationship by marriage or spouse relationship between the trainee and members of the management bodies and organisation chart of the Host entity must be reported to the Internships Commission of your course/department before starting to draft the educational project. Therefore, please advise the Internships Commissions shown on this page in the column on the right in writing (see the example attached).



U.O.C. Tirocini e Placement

Ricevimento in ufficio su appuntamento.

Ricevimento telefonico: Lunedì – Mercoledì -Venerdì dalle ore 10.00 alle 13.00.

Dott.ssa Camilla Brentegani

Viale Europa, 39 25123 Brescia

Tel. 0302016097

Mail: [email protected]


Commissione Tirocini di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale

Presidente Prof. Tomirotti Massimo
Prof.ssa Bontempi Elza
Ing. De Paoli Massimo
Prof.ssa Giustina Irene Italia
Prof. Maternini Giulio
Prof. Minelli Fausto
Prof. Pezzagno Michele
Prof.ssa Sorlini Sabrina
Prof.ssa Tiboni Michela
Prof. Vassena Giorgio Paolo Maria

Commissione Tirocini di Ingegneria Edile-Architettura

Presidente Prof. Tomirotti Massimo
Prof.ssa Giustina Irene Italia
Prof.ssa Longo Olivia
Prof. Maternini Giulio
Prof. Pezzagno Michele

Commissione Tirocini di Ingegneria dell'Informazione

Presidente Prof. Paolo Gubian

Curriculum Elettronica
Prof. Paolo Ferrari
Ing. Anna Richelli

Curriculum Informatica
Prof. Giovanni Guida
Prof. Gianfranco Lamperti

Curriculum Telecomunicazioni
Prof. Paolo Gubian
Ing. Nicola Adami

Commissione Tirocini di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale

Presidente Prof. Antonio Fiorentino
Prof. Alberto Borboni
Prof. Davide Picchi
Prof. Beschi Manuel
Prof.ssa Diana Rossi

mail commissione DIMI: [email protected]

Commissione Tirocini di Sistemi Agricoli Sostenibili

Prof.ssa Caprarulo Valentina
Prof.ssa Giagnoni Laura
Prof.ssa Ventura Vera

mail commissione SAS: [email protected]