Crowdfunding: Crédit Agricole and University of Brescia launch fundraising to support the four winning projects

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The four fundraising campaigns related to “Crowd For Innovation – Crédit Agricole Italia e UniBS, insieme per la ricerca” (Crowd For Innovation – Crédit Agricole Italia and UniBS, together for research), the first crowdfunding initiative of the University of Brescia in collaboration with Crédit Agricole Italia, are now active. The initiative aims to support innovative projects through fundraising campaigns launched on CrowdForLife, the crowdfunding portal of the Banking Group, to turn these projects into reality.

Below are the details of the 4 fundraisings now active on the CrowdForLife Portal:

• NonSoloROBOT: per una robotica Sociale e Ludica (for Social and Playful robotics)

The project aims to support research activities for the creation of programmable mechatronic modules that will allow for the development of versatile, flexible, and reconfigurable robots that can also be used in social contexts and to support people in fragile conditions.

Contact: Prof. Rodolfo Faglia - Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Direct link for donation:


• LEZ UniMETA: didattica virtuale e inclusiva (virtual and inclusive education)

The project aims to transform university lectures into an engaging, technologically advanced educational experience, through the use of the Metaverse, and to provide an innovative approach for students for a more effective learning of scientific subjects.

Contact: Prof. Daniela Uberti - Department of Molecular Medicine and Translational Science

Direct link for donation:


• La Mia ARIA (My AIR)

The project aims to measure air quality using an innovative analysis of airborne microbes, technically known as the AEROBIOME. The initiative will help increase knowledge about the impact of environmental pollution on health and will contribute to making sustainable choices.

Contact: Prof. Donatella Placidi –  Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences, and Public Health

Direct link for donation:


• Occhio alla mano: per un mondo accessibile - VI4VI (for an accessible world - VI4VI)

The project aims to make digital images accessible to blind users through "virtual touch". “Occhio alla mano: per un mondo accessibile - VI4VI (Virtual Images for Visual Impaired) proposes integrating technologies that can make digital images accessible through a new virtual tactile experience and will also involve the active participation of boys and girls from the "Centro per l’integrazione scolastica e la piena realizzazione delle persone Non Vedenti (CNV)" -Center for school integration and full realization of the Blind- in Brescia.

Contact: Prof. Anna Richelli – Department of Information Engineering

Direct link for donation:


Last updated on: 30/04/2024