Edolo, Unimont Centre of the University of Milan Edolo, 1855-1858. Carlo Porro and the new Highway from Aprica to Tonale Pass New Researches in History, Engineering and City Planning.

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Friday 10 november 2023, h. 03,00-06,00 p.m.
Edolo, Unimont Centre of the University of Milan
                           Edolo, 1855-1858.
Carlo Porro and the new Highway from Aprica to Tonale

Pass New Researches in History, Engineering and City Planning.
Elisa Sala, Fausto Minelli
University of Brescia

In 1855, the Austrian Lombard government started to build a new highway in the Italian Alps, from Aprica pass to Edolo, and from Edolo to Tonale pass. The local authority of the Comune of Edolo decided meanwhile to enlarge the road, starting a public work that was destined to deeply change the town and its road layout, leading it to the modern era.

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Last updated on: 03/11/2023