M’Illumino di Meno: No Borders!

Data news
M’Illumino di Meno: No Borders!



Nineteen years ago, in 2005, February 16th made history as the Kyoto Protocol came into effect. Climate justice wasn’t yet a term, the understanding of the need to limit fossil fuel usage for a sustainable future wasn’t widespread, and solar and wind energy weren’t fully recognized. Since then, progress has been made, but there’s still much to do. Rai Radio2 campaign, M’Illumino di Meno, has been a strong voice in raising awareness about practical ways to reduce energy consumption for sustainable development, without rhetoric.

The 2024 edition looks beyond borders because nature knows no boundaries, and change must be collective and global. Rai Radio2, with Rai per il Sociale, invites everyone to create international alliances for this event. The University of Brescia, through its participation in the UNITA project, aims to trigger new levels of international cooperation in a systematic, structural, and sustainable manner. They share this day with partner universities across Europe:

- University of Turin

- Université Savoie Mont Blanc

- University of Zaragoza

- Transilvania University of Brasov

- West University of Timisoara

- Instituto Politécnico da Guarda

- University of Beira Interior - Portugal.


Through an energy-saving guide created by the University of Brescia, practical tips on energy saving in homes and offices will be shared. Initiatives will be organized to turn off lights in buildings and places where they are not essential, and a commitment will be shared to make sustainability and energy efficiency integral parts of university life.

vademecum inglese

We ask everyone to turn off lights and energy utilities in their offices to support this initiative. Energy silence can be brought into every home by taking simple everyday actions like turning off lights, TV’s, appliances and unplugging electronic devices.


M'Illumino di Meno 2024, together, without borders.
