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Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training

Mobility opportunities are available for staff working in higher education institutions holding a bilateral agreement with the University of Brescia in which the mobility of the staff has been agreed.

Within the Erasmus+ programme the following activities can be carried out:

  • Staff mobility for Teaching (STA)
  • Staff Mobility for Training (STT)

The mobility must last a minimum of 2 days and cannot last more than 2 months (excluding travelling time).

Training periods can consist of job shadowing or observation periods while teaching periods must include minimum 8 hours of teaching per week.

HEIs staff interested in taking part in the programme in one of the available activities will have to send a formal request including the description of their role and the activity plan proposal to the International Student Mobility Office at [email protected].

Riferimenti e contatti

UOC Mobilità Internazionale Studenti
Via San Faustino, 74/B - 25122 Brescia
Email: [email protected]

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