La nostra Università, nell’ambito della propria politica di promozione dell’internazionalizzazione e dell’alta formazione in materia scientifica e didattica, istituisce annualmente Summer School, anche in collaborazione con istituzioni universitarie, centri di ricerca e alta formazione italiani ed esteri e con soggetti pubblici e/o privati.
Le Summer School sono corsi di profilo internazionale intensivi, erogati totalmente o parzialmente in lingua straniera, e sono rivolti a studenti, laureati, ricercatori provenienti da tutto il mondo, che intendono dedicarsi per una o più settimane all’approfondimento accademico di determinate tematiche. Si avvalgono, di norma, della collaborazione di docenti stranieri e professionisti scelti in base alle specifiche esigenze formative.
1-5 July 2024
9-20 September 2024
15-22 July 2024
September 2024
24-28 June 2024
24 June - 5 July 2024
Brescia - Vione, Italy | June 24-28, 2024
Aim and Scope
The Summer School “Vione: history, restoration and structural rehabilitation of the rural mountain heritage”, promoted by the University of Brescia (June 24-28, 2024), is part of the “Vione Permanent Laboratory” project, which includes a series of activities organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Vione and the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica. Vione rises in northern Valle Camonica, an Italian mountain area neighboring the Swiss Alps, on the Eastern side of Lombardy.
The project aims to increase knowledge, recovery and valorization of mountain villages. Many examples of traditional mountain construction are preserved in Vione: these examples are essential both to understand rural mountain building traditions and to preserve them through appropriate intervention projects.
The course, which will be held between Brescia and Vione, will investigate, first of all, the historical stratification of Vione, the construction and strengthening techniques, the types of materials and their origin, the state of conservation of the buildings and the most frequent structural systems used. Knowledge of the characteristics of the historical buildings will highlight the main critical issues of the construction heritage. The lectures will be completed with in-depth studies on structural behavior of wooden floors, wooden roofs, vaults, arches and masonry walls topics. Hence, one of the main goals of the Summer School is to offer an innovative background on existing structures.
Participants, through laboratory activities, will be able to investigate real case studies refining their ability to read and interpret historical buildings, using the most appropriate intervention techniques. The intervention projects designed have the goal of guaranteeing the maintenance continuity of mountain rural architectural heritage, encouraging its reuse by improving its energy efficiency, usability conditions and structural performance.
Elisa Sala, University of Brescia | e-mail: [email protected]
Organizing Committee
Fausto Minelli, Full professor
Giovanni Plizzari, Full Professor
Carlotta Coccoli, Associate Professor
Irene Giustina, Associate Professor
Barbara Scala, Associate Professor
Luca Facconi, Assistant Professor
Elisa Sala, Assistant Professor