Il CLA promuove seminari su tematiche relative alla formazione linguistica nelle principali lingue europee. La partecipazione è libera per tutti gli interni all'organizzazione. Gli esterni, interessati a partecipare, possono contattare la Segreteria ([email protected]).
AI (Artificial Intelligence) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
Or, How to use AI to create well-written and well-spoken texts
October 18th, 11.15 am
Exploring the impact of GenAI: history and challenges
Monica Albini - Researcher in AI at Creative Words
October 25th, 11.15 am
Exploring the impact of GenAI: future directions
Monica Albini - Researcher in AI at Creative Words
November 6th, 4.45 pm
Despecialization of financial discourse: insights from computer-assisted textual analysis
Walter Giordano – Professor at University of Naples Federico II
November 27th, 4.45 pm
Enhancing Academic Writing with E-Tools: A Practical Introduction
Maria Freddi – Professor at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
December 11th, 4.45 pm
AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) in business small talk
Laura Di Ferrante - Professor at University of Milan, E-JournALL Co-Editor in Chief