Bio-synthetic corneal endothelial grafts for transplantation

Bando/ente finanziatore: Medical Research Conuncil
Ruolo: Partner
Data inizio: - Data fine:
Ambito: Internazionale
Responsabile di progetto: Prof. Vito Romano
Dipartimento: Dipartimento di Specialità Medico-Chirurgiche, Scienze Radiologiche e Sanità Pubblica



The aim of this project is to develop a good manufacturing practice (GMP) aligned method to create poly-epsilon-lysine
based corneal endothelial grafts that are shown to be safe and effective in vivo.
Objective 1: Define the optimum formulation of the hydrogels to provide compatibility with human CECs and suitable thickness and integrity for transplantation.
Objective 2: Define the standard operating procedure for GMP aligned culture of human CECs on hydrogels.
Objective 3: Test the safety and efficacy of the grafts in vitro and in an in vivo rabbit model of corneal endothelial damage


University of Liverpool (Coordinatore), Regno Unito

Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italia

Finanziamento per UniBS: € 48.500,00

Ultimo aggiornamento il: 09/04/2024