“Alessandra Bono” University Research Center on Long-Term Outcome in Patients who Survive Critical Illness - LOTO

Contact person: Prof. Nicola Latronico
Department: Department of Medicine and Surgery, Radiology and Public Health


The “Alessandra Bono” University Research Center on long-term outcome in patients who survive critical illness is based at the Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health (DSMC) .

The main objectives that the Research Center intends to pursue are in the field of research and dissemination of knowledge and are listed below:

  • develop studies and research projects aimed at identifying modifiable risk factors for the development of Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS), with particular regard to events of the acute phase during hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit;
  • develop studies and research projects aimed at identifying the pathogenetic mechanisms of PICS, with particular regard to the development of muscle weakness and fatigue (or fatigue) of cognitive and psychiatric alterations that afflict people who survive severe acute illness;
  • develop studies and research projects aimed at identifying drug treatments to prevent the onset of the signs and symptoms of PICS and to reduce the impact of the syndrome on people’s quality of life;
  • design multicentre studies to evaluate the incidence of PICS symptoms and signs in its different domains and their impact on the quality of life, in order to allow a real take-up of the problem at national level both by health personnel (doctors, nurses, social workers, other health workers) and health authorities;
  • produce recommendations and appropriate diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance paths in concert with the various competences participating in the activities of the Center and in connection with health and scientific structures of various levels (ASST, ATS, Region, State; scientific societies);
  • promote seminars and scientific conferences on the research topics of the Center;
  • interaction with the community of patient associations.

Contact person: Prof. Nicola Latronico

Last updated on: 06/03/2024