Language Teaching Centre - CLA

Sportello CLA

The Language Teaching Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo or CLA) is a support and advisory centre for language teaching and learning; it is set up as a service centre that is responsible for providing language training for the university’s students, teachers, researchers and technical and administrative staff.

The CLA is part of the Italian Association of University Language Centres (Associazione Italiana dei Centri Linguistici Universitari or AICLU) and the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur or CERCLES).



UOC Support structure 

Complesso della Madonna del Lino,
Piazza Mercato 17/A - Brescia

E-mail: [email protected]

Director:  Phone  +39 0302988238
Secretariat: Phone  +39 0302988247 - 248

Open to the public Tuesday and Thursday 9-10 by appointment 

Last updated on: 03/06/2024