By giving your contribution you can:
- help students with economic benefits and better services: scholarships, support for canteen, accommodation, transport, sports support, psychological support;
- support scientific research: scholarships for young female researchers, funding for innovative projects, scientific equipment and instruments;
- enhance and protect the cultural heritage of the University: works of art, buildings, historical collections, libraries.
How to Donate
You can support UNIBS using the payment portal, is very easy and you can do it from the comfort of your own home!



Raccolta fondi Crowdfunding - "Crowd For Innovation"

5 per mille

Support research and donate your 5x1000:
Associazione Alumni

Alumni Association aims are to create a solid bond beetween University and its alumns as a special place of training and growth. The association wants to the development new initiatives for its members, create collaboration with the local area and increase internationalisation. It offers an ideal environment to develop collaborative activities for professional and in the research fields.
IBAN IT33O0623011201000030671821
Unibs Alumni - Associazione Alumni dell'Università degli Studi di Brescia
Crèdit Agricole . Filiale di Via X Giornate - Brescia
Gifts, donations and testamentary bequests
