UNITA - European University

UNITA logo

As part of the Erasmus + mobility program, the European Universities project - Key action 2 “Alliances for knowledge” - aims to trigger new levels of international cooperation in a systemic, structural and sustainable way.

In this context the UNITA - Universitas montium was created, an alliance of 12 comprehensive research universities from seven countries with different sizes and trajectories gathering together more than 248,000 students and 20,000 staff members.

From West to East:

UNITA - Universitas montium aims to transform the pre-existing training, administrative and mobility management dynamics, involving teachers, students and administrative staff in a participatory process that includes several lines:

  • innovate teaching, also with reference to digitization
  • create an international virtual campus
  • promoting research and innovation on renewable energy, cultural heritage, circular economy and bioeconomy
  • promoting multilingualism through intercomprehension between Romance languages
  • promote European citizenship in border regions and in rural and mountain areas
  • promote inclusion through the active use of local languages.

UNITA Mobility programmes

Evento di presentazione del progetto UNITA alla comunità accademica tenutosi presso il Collegio Lucchini l'11 gennaio 2024. 

Last updated on: 23/07/2024