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Orientation and selection of the appropriate degree course

ragazzo che pensa davanti al computer

The orientation service offers help students who have just obtained the High School diploma in the choice of the degree course. It gives information on courses and services, organises university presentations and visits to university sites, works with high schools to produce meetings targeting the students and their families on the choice of university, and promotes and organises Open Days and UniBSDays.

All the information on university orientation initiatives can be found on these pages.

The orientation offered by our university obtained quality certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

Explore Orientation

ragazzi che parlano all'aperto
Book an interview on-line or in person
ragazzo che guarda con il binocolo
Choose your course
tensostrutture per UnibsDays
On-line orientation test
PNRR Orientamento 2026
Attività di area


Useful Documentation



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