The years spent in university are among the most complex in one's life. There is a strong desire to experiment with many aspects of life, but at the same time, one feels grown up already, and the choice of study path, as well as its progress, can determine one's future. One is busy laying the foundations for their future life at a time when important reference points are lost: school teachers, classmates with whom the years of adolescence were shared, a daily routine marked by regular rhythms and schedules.
For off-campus students, even family is far away, as well as friends, familiar places, and their own home.
This phase of life is characterized as a time of transformation and change: going through it can be beautiful, exciting, but also make us feel emotions of fear and deep unease; the journey can be difficult, sometimes forcing one to stop, to go back, or even abandon the journey altogether.
Aware of everything each student experiences during their years of study, the University of Brescia promotes and develops initiatives and projects aimed at the well-being of the entire student community.
The "Spazio Studenti" University Center aims to represent an opportunity—available both individually and in group settings—to stimulate moments of social aggregation and promote the psychological well-being and relational life of students. It is structured into three distinct paths: