Personal Data Protection

Data Protection

Privacy and Personal Data Protection

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy Code, the University of Brescia safeguards the personal data of individuals with whom it interacts for the purposes of its institutional purposes.

The controller, the University of Brescia represented by his Rector, has designated the Company  Liguria Digital Spa as Data Protection Officer - DPO (contact: [email protected]).

The university is committed to respecting the fundamental rights of individuals, with a particular focus on privacy and protecting personal data, as required by its statute issued with D.R. n. 107 of 6 February 2024, published in the Official Albo- General Series No. 39 of 16 February 2024.
The notices are available in Italian at the link.


Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Liguria Digitale spa - Ing. Maurizio Pastore
Genova, cap.16152, via Melen 77

Phone: + 3901065451
Email: [email protected]

Data Protection Officer Staff

Dr. Antonio Zuccaro
Dr. Stefano Filippini
Mr. Renato Veronesi
Dr. Veronica Villa

Last updated on: 27/09/2024