Agency for the promotion of the European Research (APRE) Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) Asean European University Network (Asea –Uninet) Association of European institutions of higher education (EUA) CIDD Consortium for International Double Degrees Consejo interuniversitario nacional de Argentina (CUIA) European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) European Language Council (ELC) Honors center of Italian Universities (H2CU) –College Italia International Association of Universities (IAU) Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) Network for the University research improvement (NETVAL) Research4Life Scholars at Risk (SAR) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Uni–Italia - Center for the academic promotion and orientation of study in Italy University Network for Development Cooperation (CUCS) University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS) UNISCAPE Navigazione.