
The portal has been designed and developed taking into account the legislative guidelines relating to accessibility, provided for by the technical requirements indicated in the Ministerial Decree of 8 July 2005 implementing Law “Stanca” No. 4/2004, “Provisions to facilitate the access of disabled persons to IT tools”.

In the creation of the new portal the legislation in force and the technical requirements indicated by Legislative Decree No 106 of 10 August 2018 on “Reform of the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public bodies” were applied. The decree provides for compliance with WCAG 2.1 level “AA” and new provisions regarding technical requirements and verification methodology.

The information and services provided by the portal can be used on various platforms, on the most popular browsers and through assistive technologies: thanks to the Mobile First approach and the implementation of Responsive Web Design technology, the site navigation adapts dynamically to the characteristics of the device used (smartphone, tablet, desktop PC) allowing optimised navigation on devices with different sizes/resolutions in a completely transparent way to the user.

The use of HTML5 and CSS3 has been preferred to make the most of the features of current and future browsers and mobile devices thanks to the support of advanced and dynamic features; therefore, in some cases html syntax validation may not be fully compliant.

The Portal is managed with the Open Source Drupal CMS, compatible with international ISO and W3C recommendations.


To facilitate the creation of accessible content, you can consult the following links: 
1. the “Accessibility” page of the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) for information on the issues of accessibility of digital services
2. The “Guidelines on the accessibility of IT tools” by AgID


If you encounter problems on any parts of the site that are not ‘accessible’ or you want to have more detailed information, you can send an email to the following address: [email protected] indicating:

  1. name and surname
  2. the full address of the page on which errors or difficulties have occurred
  3. the tools used, for example if the page was consulted using a PC, smartphone or tablet, the operating system used, the browser and any assistive technologies that are supplied in the different devices

We thank you for your precious collaboration

Last updated on: 01/07/2024