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Erasmus for Studies

ragazze studiano


Erasmus incoming students will be accepted at the University of Brescia only upon receipt of an official nomination from their home university. 
Partner universities should sent nominations to [email protected] providing the following information:

Surname(s) and name(s) as per student ID/passport
Date and place of birth
Subject area (ISCED Code)
Study cycle (Bachelor's or Master's)
Semester(s) of stay (first, second or whole academic year)

Nominations deadlines are: 
June 30th - (first semester and whole academic year students)
October 30th - (second semester students)


The International Student Mobility Office will send an acceptance email to the partner University and to the nominated students. An official acceptance/invitation letter will be issued only for non-EU citizens needing to apply for a Visa (Visto per Studio) and for EU students on specific request.

Check the sections below to find out the steps to follow in order to take part in the Erasmus mobility at Unibs.

The steps to follow

Studentessa con computer
Prepare your mobility
Aula vuota di economia con logo Unibs
Your arrival at Unibs
What to do before leaving
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