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Gender Budgeting Report and Gender Equality Plan

In accordance with the directions issued by the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI), the University of Brescia is consolidating the methodological framework for the data collection and the systemization of tools that achieve gender equality and that integrate equal opportunity policies into all the University's policy documents.

This methodology allows the Triennial Plan for Positive Actions (PTAP) to be flanked by the Gender Budgeting Report and the Gender Equality Plan, for the inclusion of a gender perspective in the University's Strategic Plan. The commitment concerns the creation of a system of network and intra-institutional collaboration that brings into dialogue all the bodies in charge (Gender Commission, Committee of Guarantee, Delegates and Delegates of the Rector, teaching staff and technical and administrative personnel) with the converging and common goal of giving concreteness to the principles of equity and inclusion.

In this perspective and in a logic of coordination and continuity between documents, a functional simplification is necessary. The Gender Budgeting Report contributes to the analysis of the existing situation and illustrates the situation of the University with reference to the representation of gender in the different organizational levels, both as a starting point for the definition of interventions aimed at equality and as an evaluation of the results already achieved. The Gender Equality Plan, on the other hand, must contain concrete and innovative corrective actions, identifying objectives and result indicators, in order to correct any distortions and gender inequalities and to foster organizational change of a general nature, thus placing itself among the University's development guidelines. As also indicated in the Guideline for the development of Gender Equality Plan in Italian Universities, the actions envisaged by the GEP “are placed in relation to the Gender Budgeting Report (BdG) at both the forecasting and reporting stages” (CRUI, 2021).

In addition, adoption of the GEP is the European Commission's eligibility criterion for entities applying for the Horizon Europe calls, the framework program for research and innovation for 2021-2027 that has included new provisions to gender mainstreaming and strengthen gender equality in European organizations at the systemic level.

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