As part of the UNITA - Universitas Montium Alliance, the key action Virtual Mobility is offered – a fully online international mobility program that involves attending a course aligned with the student's study program at one of the partner universities within the UNITA alliance.
The UNITA Virtual Mobility call provides all regularly enrolled students at the University of Brescia with the opportunity to apply for an online course at one of the European universities within the UNITA Alliance, take the final exam, and receive academic credit (CFU) recognized in their UniBS career.
This is a formative experience for the internationalization of the academic career, and the activities completed are recognized based on a Learning Agreement for Studies.
Virtual courses may include foreign language teaching (Romance languages of partner countries) or thematic classes (e.g., language intercomprehension).
Virtual international mobility does not provide any financial support.
UNITA Office di UniBS
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +39 030 298 82 67
Piazza Mercato 15, 25121 Brescia