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Didactics in UNITA

Didactics in UNITA

The Alliance UNITA- Universitas Montium promotes and facilitates the internationalization processes of teaching among its member universities.

The model is based on periodic and recurring matching events called Internationalization of Curricula Through UNITA (ICTU) and is developed through in-person meetings of coordinating faculty members of study programs at the Universities of the Alliance. These faculty members, grouped into working groups organized by scientific field, focus on designing international study paths with the support of technical-administrative staff from all the involved universities.

The Internationalization of Curricula Through UNITA (ICTU) model consists of five main phases:

  1. Expression of Interest (reference period: beginning of the calendar year): Faculty members of study programs at all Alliance Universities are invited to express their interest in participating in the internationalization process.


  2. Matching and creation of working groups (reference period: spring): The ICTU organizing committee collects the expressions of interest and forms the working groups by associating related study programs according to level (first or second cycle) and scientific area.


  3. First "Internationalization of Curricula Through UNITA (ICTU)" event (reference period: between spring and early summer): The working groups are invited to one of the UNITA Alliance universities, where they have the opportunity to meet in separate tables and jointly design international study paths: BIPs, virtual mobility, COIL, faculty mobility, double degrees, or joint degrees.


  4. Follow-up event (reference period: autumn): Working groups that continue to maintain distance communication and make progress in planning the internationalization project are invited to a follow-up in-person event at the UNITA Alliance university that hosted the first event. The groups have the opportunity to meet a second time to finalize the design and set a start date for the project.


  5. Monitoring activities and administrative support: At the end and during the two events, the working groups are invited to complete online surveys aimed at collecting data on the type of internationalization project being discussed and any doubts or administrative and logistical issues. During the events, a team of technical-administrative staff from all UNITA Alliance universities assists the working groups by providing informational support.

Each year, one of the UNITA Alliance universities hosts the two events and manages the macro-phases of the Internationalization of Curricula Through UNITA (ICTU) model.

During the events, participants also attend plenary sessions presenting innovative tools and models for the internationalization of study programs, in line with the strategic guidelines developed by the UNITA Alliance in this area:

  • Mobility window, which allows students to access Erasmus mobility with a pre-agreed package of courses and activities to be followed at the host university.


  • UNITA à la carte, the integration of career plans across the Alliance universities with shared courses and activities.


  • UNITA Degree, a joint program model that, in alignment with national regulations and the European degree label guidelines, leads to the awarding of a double, multiple, or joint degree.
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