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Students Association Noticeboard

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Italian Constitution: “Citizens have the right to form associations freely and without authorization for those ends that are not forbidden by criminal law. (...) ". [In the original text: “I cittadini hanno diritto di associarsi liberamente, senza autorizzazione, per fini che non sono vietati ai singoli dalla legge penale. (…)”.]

Any student can form an association as long as the objectives it sets are not contrary to Italian law and are not in place of or in contrast with the institutional activities of the University.

The University of Brescia has established the Register of Associations with the aim of promoting the social, cultural, recreational, and sports activities of the student associations for students and graduates of the University.

To register your association in the Register of Associations, consult the Regulations for the establishment of the Register of Associations recognized by the University of Brescia.

Albo Associazioni Studentesche

L'Università degli Studi di Brescia ha istituito l'Albo delle Associazioni con lo scopo di promuovere le Associazioni studentesche che si propongano di svolgere a favore degli studenti e dei laureati dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia attività sociali, culturali, ricreative e sportive.

For information you can get in touch with [email protected] - Tel. +39 0302016084


U.O.C. Inclusione, Partecipazione e Residenze Universitarie

Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia

Tel. +39 0302016084

[email protected]

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