Following appointment Prot n. 259487 of 06/10/2023, with effect from 09/10/2023, the figure of the Disability Manager was introduced in our University, in the person of Daniela Fiordalisi, member of the U.O.C. Inclusion, Participation and University Residences.
The University Disability Manager supports the Inclusion Service and the Human Resources offices in seeking reasonable accommodations for ordinary and extraordinary situations linked to the presence of people with disabilities in the University. In particular:
- It offers, in a transversal way, consultancy to units dealing with environmental and digital accessibility projects, training for people with disabilities (e.g. ICT services, units dealing with projects for the elimination of architectural barriers, safety in places of work, staff training etc.);
- It offers reception and listening availability, in a consultative manner, in total privacy and in collaboration with Human Resources, for individual discussions on uncomfortable situations of colleagues with disabilities, care-givers of disabled people holders of Law 104/92, unit managers, for the purpose of identifying reasonable accommodations permitted by law and compatible with the economic resources of the University.
The figure of the Disability Manager is introduced in Italy for the first time with a law with Legislative Decree 151 of 2015, known as the Job's Act.
Between 2015 and 2016, some substantial changes to Law 68/99 (the employment law targeted) have shifted the focus of the job placement of people with disabilities from mere ranking with real matching between human resources with disabilities and the needs of companies and public bodies subject to hiring obligations.
This shift in focus in the Italian legislative and cultural landscape also dictated from the revolution in the world of disability brought about by the spread of the bio-psycho-model social, by the ICF, by the principles dictated by the UN Convention on the rights of people with disability, guides the Disability Manager in ensuring that the person with a disability is seen and inserted into work to its full potential, accompanying the University towards a vision of a whole that enhances skills and avoids the risk of discrimination.
in order to make the Disability Manager operational, a listening desk has been set up, available by appointment, every Monday from 9.30am to 3pm.
Appointments can be held either remotely or in person in the informatic room on the ground floor of Palazzo Bettoni, in via Gramsci 17 by contacting directly:
Disability Manager
Daniela Fiordalisi
[email protected]
Tel. +39 030 20 16 057
Mob.+39 334 11 75 317
U.O.C. Inclusione, Partecipazione e Residenze Universitarie
Sede: Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia
Disability Manager
Relationships with Placement
Daniela Fiordalisi
[email protected]
Tel. +39 030 20 16 057
Mob.+39 334 11 75 317
Presso: Palazzo Bettoni Via Gramsci 17