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About us

gruppo di lavoro

UniBs Sostenibile is the project of the University of Brescia to promote the application of the principle of sustainability in the processes, functions and activities of the University, starting from teaching and research. As a priority, the University plans and implements actions aimed at harmonising the relationship between spaces, the environment and people and encouraging increasingly responsible lifestyles, in order to reduce the University's ecological footprint and improve the quality of life in its spaces. At the same time, the University promotes social cohesion and inclusion, the reduction of inequalities, the cultural growth and a sustainable economic progress of the society, through a systematic dialogue with its territory.

Sustainable UniBs is the University’s main instrument for the coordination and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.

UniBs is also a member of the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS) established by the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI), whose main purpose is "to spread the culture and good practices of sustainability, both within and outside the universities (at urban, regional, national and international level), in order to increase the positive impacts in environmental, ethical, social and economic terms of the actions implemented by the members of the Network, to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and strengthen the recognition and value of the Italian experience at international level” (from the Statute of the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development).

The University is committed to identifying and implementing an organisational and management model that promotes sustainable development in all processes, through strategies and concrete actions and to developing projects for its dissemination and promotion, aimed at actively involving the university community and the territory.

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