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UNITA BIP - Scientific methodology in thesis writing in health sciences

Objectives and Description:

The BIP aim is to nurture a common basis of scientific methodology fundamental elements for students of UG level both in bachelor, master and unique cycle in health sciences, in order to facilitate an easier mobility for research thesis. Secondary aim is to facilitate the growth of a community of mentors and mentees among the Unita alliance, beyond the national and disciplinary borders

Methods and outcomes:

The students will be exposed at home University to preparatory disciplines according to local timetables, but during the 20 days course ahead of in presence the teachers involved will provide didactic material according to international standard courses for scientific methodology assessment in different disciplines. According to this preliminary round of interest generating the in presence lectures will be deepened in the topics with higher request. The course material will be in any case explained in the classes, more examples will be provided in the fields of interest. During the 4 months after the in presence activity the faculty will be interacting both with students and teachers involved at home in the thesis preparation in order to reach the outcome of a scientifically sound description of materials and methods, eventually in view of a publication on a scientific journal

Field of Education: scientific methodology, evidence based approach, health sciences

Target audience / Participants profile: UG candidates to thesis writing

No of ECTS issued: 3

Language of instruction and requirements: English B1

Dates for physical activity: 1-5 May 2024

Location of physical activity: Brescia (IT)

Dates for virtual component: 8 April 2024


Prof. Corrado Paganelli

Dean of Dental School

Rector’s Delegate for Relations with European Institutions and Erasmus

[email protected]

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