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Non-EU candidates living in Italy: master's degrees


In the next paragraphs you can find information about the procedures and requirements for admission to corsi di laurea magistrale (master's degrees).

Turning to the foreign qualification, our office might request further documents if the undegraduate title was achieved at transnational institutions or attending several educational systems.

Admission to a Corso di laurea magistrale (postgraduate degree) requires possession of Laurea or three-year university diploma achieved in Italy, or another equivalent qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable for accessing the selected study programme.

The foreign qualification

  • must require at least 3-years studies at undegraduate level
  • must be comparable at a title belonging to First cycle QF-EHEA / 6° EQF level
  • must have been issued by universities or post-secondary upper education institutions officially authorized to deliver courses and issue qualifications in the education system they belong to
  • must allow pursuit of university studies at the next level comparable to Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7° EQF level within the education system it refers to.

If the qualification has been issued by any institutions with transnational status, both the head office and the branch should have obtained authorization by the authorities in the countries where they operate.

Admission to the university is only permitted if documents certifying possession of the requirements are valid, as required by current regulations and the specific provisions of the Ministry of University and Research.

For open access Corsi di Laurea magistrale (postgraduate degrees) in Economics, Engineering and Law areas the pre-evaluation by the relevant Commission is compulsory for candidates with foreign degree, in order to verify if they meet the specific curricular and personal preparation requirements. Applications must be submitted via the reserved online procedure, as per instruction available in the page indicated below.

Actually, admission to open access Corsi di Laurea magistrale (postgraduate degrees) is subject to the meeting of specific curricular and personal preparation requirements. These criteria are established annually for all study programmes and are indicated in the Teaching Regulations that can be viewed in the web page dedicated to the course.

A summary about requirements for open access English taught master's degrees addressing holders of foreign qualification is available below.

Differently, admission to the following study programmes requires candidates to sit and pass a selective admission test:

  • Nursing and midwifery sciences
  • Sciences of movement for health and wellbeing
  • Medical biotechnology

Those candidates interested in enrolling must follow attentively the procedure indicated in the relevant Call for applications.

All Corsi di Laurea magistrale (postgraduate degrees) in Economics, Engineering and Law areas require proficiency in English language to at least level B1 CEFR (Common european framework of reference for languages). Instead of the official certification of English language proficiency, study programmes can accept candidates who attended their educational pathway in English or passed English language examinations during their academic studies. Detailed information are provided in the Teaching Regulations that can be viewed in the web page dedicated to the study programme.

Documents to be submitted upon enrollment

Upon enrollment, candidates must submit the following documents to the International students admission unit:

  1. The Diploma and the Transcript of records in original language, referring to the undergraduate degree or post-secondary education must be accompanied by the official translation in Italian or English, unless documents have been issued in one of the two languages. 

  2. The Diploma and the Transcript of records must be legalized (or bear the Apostille stamp) by authorities of the educational system they belong to.
  3. The Declaration of value issued by the official Italian Representation operating in the country relevant to the attended education system.
  4. The detailed programmes of the exams taken (Syllabus) are considered a preferential requirement. They must bear the foreign University stamp and they have to be translated in Italian or English, too.
  5. One of the following documents (alternatively):
  • residence permit issued by the relevant Italian Police Headquarters
  • copy of the expired residence permit along with receipt given by the Italian Post Office upon submission of the renewal request

Any other documents in a foreign language must be translated into Italian or English.

Replacement of Legalization and Declaration of value

1. Education system in force in the countries listed in ARDI - Automatic Recognition Database - Italy

If the qualification belongs to the systems mentioned in ARDI, our University requires the Statement of verification issued by CIMEA via the Diplome online platform as an alternative to Legalization and / or Declaration of value.

2. Education system not belonging to the countries listed in ARDI - Automatic Recognition Database - Italy

Candidates must submit the following statements issued by CIMEA via the Diplome online platform

  • the Statement of verification instead of Legalized documents
  • the Statement of comparability instead of the Declaration of value.

3. Holders of international protection in Italy (also temporary)

They can contact International students admission unit to get information about documents accepted instead of Legalization and Declaration of value.

Our University does not accept ARDI Statement of correspondence (that can be downloaded free of charge in ARDI platform) to erollment confirmation purpose, hence it provides general information concerning foreign qualifications nature and rights.

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