Attività Didattiche a scelta dello studente (ADE)

The Consiglio di Corso, on the proposal of the President and the Teachers, organizes teaching activities, among which the student chooses, up to the achievement of a maximum total number of 8 credits. ADE can be organized throughout the whole year. If they take place during the academic period, they must not interfere with each individual student's obligation to attend the teaching courses relating to the year of the course in which the student is enrolled.

The acquisition of credits attributed to the ADE occurs only with a frequency of the specific activity at least equal to 2/3.

Activities chosen by the student include:

- Monographic courses consisting of ex-cathedra lessons
- Monographic courses carried out with interactive and seminar methods
- Conferences
- Research internships (carried out in research laboratories)
- other extra-curricular activities that the Commissione Tecnico-Pedagogica (CTP) will consider compatible with the goals of the Degree Course.

Useful Documents

Last updated on: 30/11/2023