Orientation - Economics

studenti nel Chiostro di San Faustino

Our university offers orientation initiatives for students in their final years of high school.

During the academic year, students can attend the university's open days and take part in guided tours of the campus, attend seminars and open lectures, and meet professionals and tutors.

The universities also organize meetings in secondary schools to present their courses and services, where the students can ask any questions they may have about the university.

You can find all the details on the Orientation Initiatives pages.

Orientation delegate of the Department of Economics

Prof. Francesco Menoncin is the orientation delegate of the Department of Economics and Management.

Economics courses and services (leaflet available in Italian only)



C.da Santa Chiara, 50 - 25122 Brescia
Tel. +390302988681
E-mail [email protected]
Teams: codice ehaqnrc
Orari di apertura:
dal lunedì a giovedì dalle ore 9 alle ore 17
venerdì dalle ore 9 alle 13
Last updated on: 13/05/2024