Facilities opening hours

Campus Catering Service

Area self-service della Mensa del Campus

Via Valotti, 1 - Brescia (from Monday to Friday)

Free flow: 12:00 - 14:30

Pizzeria: 12:00 - 14:30 e 19:00 - 21:00 

Coffee Bar: 08:00 alle 21:30     
The Coffee Bar will be temporarily closed on Saturdays starting from 04/13/2024. 

From the afternoon of Friday, 07/19/24 from 3:00 p.m., the cafeteria and pizzeria services will be suspended and will reopen on Monday, 07/22/24 due to water supply interruption in the building.

From 02/05/2024 the FREE FLOW AREA CANTEEN is temporarily closed due to works.   
It is possible to use the service at the Bar and Cafeteria which has activated a "reinforced" gastronomic offer.

Restaurant Mensa Mameli

Mensa mameli studenti in coda con vassoi

Corso Mameli 23 - Brescia (from Monday to Friday)

Lunch: 12.00 - 14.30

Dinner: it is possible to book dinner at lunch time by making a reservation in    the App. For information contact the staff at the cash desk. 


Last updated on: 22/07/2024