Registration is the preliminary act necessary for users accessing the computer system of the University of Brescia for the first time to access any online procedure.
This registration is available by accessing the Registration Procedure
During the registration phase, students are asked for: personal identity document details, tax code, residence, contact details, mobile phone, personal email.
Please enter all the required information in the registration area. It is mandatory to enter a private email address.
After entering one’s personal details, the procedure provides the access credentials (username and password) that will be used for future logins. It is necessary to print the memo (or save it as a file) to keep the necessary credentials for future access.

From the personal page students can:
- Access the registration for the admission tests
- Access online matriculation
- Proceed to payment via the PagoPA procedure
- Upload their study plan
- Register for exam sessions
- View their online exam log to check the exams taken
- Print any self-certifications certifying enrollment and exams taken
- Change their personal data (from "home")
The following students do not need to complete the registration:
The following students do not need to complete the registration:
- Students enrolled at the University of Brescia
- Students who graduated less than 6 months ago
The following students do not need to complete the registration but must recover their credentials:
- Students who have withdrawn, decayed or who graduated more than 6 months ago; in any case students already recognized by the computer system of the University of Brescia.