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University of Brescia Award

It is a high honour, awarded for the first time in 2016, to those who, in the course of their professional experience, have demonstrated excellence and made a significant contribution to the development of the University's activities, with particular reference to the Health&Wealth project.


Award winners

  • Emanuele Severino, for having made a significant contribution to the development of contemporary Western philosophical thought, thereby honouring his city. 
  • Ugo Gussalli Beretta, for having firmly believed in the need for a strong integration between university research and industrial research, which he realised by opening a research laboratory within the CSMT. 
  • Ezio Gamba, for his prestigious achievements in judo and his commitment to promoting the culture of sport in Brescia, Italy and around the world.
  • Gianfranco Nocivelli, for having promoted technological innovation, supported scientific research in the medical field with conviction, also thanks to the establishment of an important Foundation strongly integrated with the University. 
  • Paola Artioli, for its commitment to the integration between the business world and the University, both in the educational and research spheres. 
  • Uto Ughi, for the artistic merits that have made him known throughout the world and for his commitment to the dissemination of classical music, including among young people, in our city in particular. 
  • Luigi Streparava, for his commitment in the world of associations and entrepreneurship and for having firmly believed in the driving force of innovation and in the propulsive role of the University for the virtuous development of the territory. 
  • Giuseppe Saleri, for having distinguished himself, in terms of innovation, not only in technology and product but also in communication. President of SABAF S.p.A, he has always shown a strong focus on the social dimension, both in his actions and in his communication to the outside world. 
  • Ettore Lonati, for having made a significant contribution both in industrial development, achieving world leadership in his group's products, and in education, proposing innovative training courses, strongly oriented towards international and interactive methodologies. 
  • Ennio Franceschetti, because he has strongly promoted collaboration between the business world and the University, for him a privileged partner for the promotion of innovation and applied research.
Emanuele Severino

Emanuele Severino

Ugo Gussalli Beretta

Ugo Gussalli Beretta

Ezio Gamba

Ezio Gamba

Gianfranco Nocivelli

Gianfranco Nocivelli

Paola Artioli

Paola Artioli

Uto Ughi

Uto Ughi

Luigi Streparava

Luigi Streparava

Giuseppe Saleri

Giuseppe Saleri

Ettore Lonati

Ettore Lonati

Ennio Franceschetti

Ennio Franceschetti

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