The Language teaching centre has created a e-learning community dedicated to foreign students, where resources and selected materials are available for those who are approaching the study of Italian for the first time or who wish to consolidate their basic knowledge.
Access is free with UniBS login details at the following link
In addition we suggest some useful sites for learning Italian (at a distance and autonomously).
The site is particularly suitable for native English-speaking students. It includes: placement tests, listening exercises, readings, grammar and more.
Reading with comprehension, grammar and vocabulary exercises. The site also offers many level tests or specific grammar and vocabulary tests.
Among the many resources available for learning Italian, we recommend the following
1) The Italian Electronic Classroom: grammar, phonetics, idiomatic expressions (theoretical aspects: useful for native speakers);
2) The Exercise Mill: exercises (with solutions) in phonetics, grammar, vocabulary;
3) Pen Pals: announcements to get in touch with Italians or other students of Italian.
Multimedia Italian language course structured in units (currently for levels A1 and A2, also planned for B1, B2). Individual sections on listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, proverbs and idioms and Italian culture.
A video course in Italian for foreigners, produced by the RAI in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
Free site offering grammar exercises, graded readings and cultural notes to help learn Italian.
A rich database of grammar exercises, vocabulary, videos and chats for learners of Italian as a foreign language.
Italiamo (App)
An innovative course to learn the basics of the Italian language and discover the beauty of Italy and the great Made in Italy products. Each of the ten levels is divided into four sections where you will find dialogues, common expressions, language exercises and cultural, food and wine curiosities. A new tool designed to meet the needs of those who are approaching the Italian language for the first time, for passion, for work or in view of a trip to Italy.