If you enrol in the Sport Science course, when enrolling and for each subsequent year of enrolment, it is obligatory to present a medical certificate (with a duration of one year) attesting to your physical fitness for sporting activities when the previous certificate expires.
If you are offered a place on the First Cycle degree course in Sports Science, when you enrol (or as soon thereafter as possible) you must send it, via the ticket service available using the link Infostudente, containing the following documentation:
- Medical certificate of physical fitness for sporting activities
- photocopy of ID (front and back)
- declaration of conformity for Sports Science medical certificates.
The same documentation must be submitted if you enrol in subsequent years after the first year of the Sports Science course. You must replace any previous certificates that have expired with another valid medical certificate.
In accordance with Legislative Decree 8 May 1998 no. 178, enrolment in the degree course is subject to ascertainment of physical suitability for areas whose content is predominantly technical and sports-related.
The requested medical certificates shall be valid for one year (expiry is indicated on the certificate). When the certificate expires, students must, as long as they are enrolled in the Sports Science degree, renew their medical documentation and submit a new valid certificate. Failure to do so shall result in them being unable to attend practical sports lesson, take the relevant exams, and take part in internships.
- Certificate of suitability for taking part in competitive sports, as per competitive sports protocol type B, or which in any case conforms with Ministerial Decree 18/02/1982;
- Certificate of suitability for taking part in sporting activities issued to athletes not qualifying for competitive athlete status, but who have in any case undergone all the diagnostic tests stipulated by the above Ministerial Decree 18/02/1982 for sporting disciplines outlined in the type B sports protocol;
- Certificate of suitability for taking part in NON competitive sporting activities, indicating in writing that the ECG at rest and under exertion has been carried out;
- Certificate of good health stating in writing that the ECG at rest and under exertion has been carried out;
- Certificate of suitability for taking part in sporting activities with a high degree of cardiovascular exertion (as per Ministerial Decree 24/04/13).
The sport medicine centres or services run by local health authorities (now ATS) can issue the certificates, as can hospitals, institutes of the Italian Medical Sporting Federation, and authorised public or private centres.