The Student Card, issued by Crédit Agricole Treasurer of the University of Brescia, is a necessary requirement to access university and banking services.
- university services: the card allows you to be recognized in the exams, to access the University services (canteen, photocopies and book lending) and to take advantage of the economic advantages reserved for university students (public transport, museums, cinemas, exhibitions, etc.);
- banking services: if activated (on-site or easily online), the Student Card can also be used as CartaConto, with a free monthly fee, becoming a convenient payment tool with which the holder can make purchases in physical or online stores, withdraw cash , pay university contributions and receive any reimbursements (e.g. scholarships), receive and make transfers, receive salaries, pay MAV / RAV or postal bills, make PagoPA payments, make telephone top-ups.
Starting november 15, you can collect your Student card at the Students service desk, in via San Faustino 74/B, during opening hours. An e-mail notification will be sent when the Card is available.
To obtain the Student Card it is necessary:
- to be regularly enrolled in the University courses;
- to upload your photo ID in digital format in your reserved area of the ESSE3 system, if the student has not already done so during the matriculation procedure.
Erasmus students and international students can collect their Student Card at the International Student Mobility desk in via San Faustino 74/b during opening hours. An email notification will be sent when the Card is available.
The Student Card is the personal identification document that replaces the old paper university booklet.
Thanks to the Student Card you can:
- be recognized during exams (if you do not have one, you can use an identification document)
- access the facilities of the University of Brescia (canteens, libraries, sports facilities, classrooms, laboratories, reserved areas);
- use the services provided by the University of Brescia (library services and more);
- access libraries and book lending;
- use the canteen service;
- make photocopies;
- take advantage of the economic advantages reserved for university students by external bodies and organizations (public transport, museums, cinemas, exhibitions, events);
- take advantage of the economic advantages deriving from the agreements stipulated by the University of Brescia with the cultural and commercial activities of the area.

The Student Card has the appearance of a standard magnetic card, with the same format as a credit card, and presents a series of data that make it truly personal and therefore enables its owner to be identified with certainty:
- Name and surname
- Student identification number
- Unique owner identifier (barcode)
- Photo
- Expiry date
The Student Card also features the logo of the University of Brescia and the electronic circuit in which the card is accepted for payment functions, in addition to the IBAN that can be used in case of bank activation.
Crédit Agricole Italia S.p.A – Sede di Brescia
Via X Giornate n. 36 – 25121 BRESCIA
Orari: 08.25 - 13.25 / 14.45 - 16.00
[email protected]
Tel. +393661433424
Tel. +393397741456