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Migrant Health and Clinical and Laboratory Parasitology

Please complete the short application to enroll in the course by 12pm on Monday, June 17th, 2024 (Rome time) using this FORM in the Notice of Enrollment


Migrants' Health as well as Clinical and Laboratory Parasitology of different health categories.  The course will present epidemiological and regulatory migration policies of the European and American system comparatively.  The goal is to gain both knowledge and practical skills regarding the understanding and management of migrants' health issues.  A particular focus will be placed on laboratory diagnostic skills for the main parasitic diseases and how they adversely affect the health of migrants.

At the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Appraise the major health challenges that migrants face before leaving, during migratory journey and upon arrival in the host country, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups. This includes infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and cancers.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the relevant interdisciplinary cooperation across the fields of migration health, laboratory medicine, medical sciences and public health.
  • Discuss various global public health strategies to achieve greater health equity in tropical medicine and access to health care.
  • Apply clinical decision-making approach in tropical medicine
  • Discuss cost-effective strategies for screening and diagnosis of main parasitic infections
  • Apply basic skills of microscopy for diagnosis of main parasitic infections


Degree in medical and other health professions: medicine, nursing, laboratory technician, biotechnology, and biology.

Inclusion of any other background degrees will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the scientific committee.

Fluent level of English (not degree required).


The course has a blended learning approach.

Students will be required to complete a self-learning component amounting 15 hours self-reading, before arriving in Brescia.

One-week residential teaching in Brescia from 23rd - 27th September 2024

One-week residential teaching in Negrar (Verona) : 30 September - 4th October 2024:

The whole course is equivalent to 90 hours of  student investment time.


To obtain the certificate ir is necessary to attend a minimum of 75% of the total teaching time (90 hours)


Other information

The maximum number of attendants is 20 participants.

The course will be cancelled if the number of attendants is lower than 13.

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Matteelli, Full professor MED/17 Infectious Diseases, University of Brescia

Applications: The procedure for the on-line application is available at the top of the page. The deadline for application is 12 a.m. of 17th June 2024 (Rome time)

Course fee:  Registration fee € 2.000,00 + € 2,00 stamp: € 2.002. A reduced fee will apply for students enrolled in the TropEd Master with: € 1.302 (registration fee of €1.300,00 + € 2,00 stamp).
The receipt of the payment must be sent to the mail address [email protected]

Location: On site: 23th - 27th September 2024 on site at the University of Brescia, Italy; 30th September – 4th October 2024 at the IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria, Negrar

Silvia Moretti
Annamaria Consolati
Sarah Sponsler
Tel.: +39.0303996628
Email: [email protected]

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