Exams timetable a.y. 2024-25
Timetabe for the winter session and for the summer session:
To check the exams rooms click here >>
The exams could be organized on several daily shifts and eventually divided into the following days.
Here you find the Didactic Calendar >>
In order to enroll for exams and in-progress tests, enter your personal page in Esse3, after logging in from Myportal >>
When consulting the Exam Calls Board in Esse3, check the dates of the exam calls thoroughly by selecting the Department, the course of study attended and the teaching activity, making sure that the codes of the course of study and the teaching activity are the same as in your study plan.
Online registration for exam calls and in-progress tests is required to be admitted to proficiency exams. Lecturers do not accept email registrations.
If the student decides not to show up for the booked exam, cancellation in Esse3 is possible up to five days before the exam, after that it is necessary to notify the lecturer by email.
If there are any problems with the online registration procedure, during the registration period (15 to 5 days before the date of the call) students can open a ticket on Infostudente >>