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Classrooms and laboratories -Medicine


The School of Medicine structures are at Viale Europa 11, Brescia.

E14 School of Medicine Building, Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia 
All the rooms have a connection to the Faculty network with internet access; there is also Wi-Fi access (stack 802.11, cryptography WPA) to internet in the building.
Times: Monday-Thursday, 07.45 am-6.45 pm, Friday 07.45 am-5.45 pm.

E15 Multi-purpose Building, Viale Europa 11 
All the rooms have a connection to the Faculty network with internet access.
Times: Monday-Thursday, 07.45 am-6.45 pm, Friday 07.45 am-5.45 pm.

E16 Palazzetto delle Professioni Sanitarie (Health Professions Building), Viale Europa 13/a,  25123 Brescia 
All the rooms have a connection to the Faculty network with internet access.

E17 Palazzetto Scienze motorie, Palestre (Motor Sciences and Gyms Building) 
Building Block R: 2 gyms for exercising


studenti al microscopio

There are educational laboratories in the Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine of the University of Brescia for exercises in the bio-chemical and anatomo-histological area. There are four laboratories used for educational activities with a capacity of about 60 students each. They have acid-resistant benches, chemical hoods and fume cabinets for the safe handling and storage of chemical agents.

Modern equipment and instrumentation such as the following are available for exercises in the laboratory:

  • spectrophotometers, thermomixers, microplate reader, vertical electrophoresis apparatus with power supply for the study and quantitative and qualitative evaluation of proteins;
  • thermal cycler, horizontal electrophoresis apparatus suitable for the analysis of nucleic acids;
  • just like rotary evaporators, apparatus for the fusion point, analytical balances, technical scales and small laboratory instruments used for the study of both chemical reactions and nanoparticles, etc.

The equipment and instruments in the bio-chemical laboratories is checked regularly and kept efficient with programmed maintenance by specialist companies.

There are also the following supporting the bio-medical area educational laboratories:

  • two Level 2 (BL2) biosafety laboratories of about 100 m2, equipped and authorised for handling risk groups 1 and 2 biological agents pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08. They are accredited by the Health Ministry for the use of Class 1 genetically modified microorganisms pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/01. The BL2I laboratories have, in particular, BioHazard hoods specifically for cell cultures, cultivation of bacteria and incubators. An autoclave allows the decontamination and sterilisation of all the material necessary in BL2 and the laboratories.
  • an optical microscope laboratory of about 80 m2, equipped with 40 optical microscopes, which can be used for the performance and analysis of histological samples.
  • an anatomical sector for anatomy practice.

The laboratories are completed by changing rooms and toilet facilities with emergency showers.

Biomedical area students can access the research laboratories to complete their training for the degree or post-graduate thesis.



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