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ARENA project

ARENA (Refugees and recognition - Toolkit 3) is an Erasmus+ supported project, which aims to contribute towards more transparent and professional procedures for the recognition of refugees', asylum seekers' and displaced persons' qualifications in Europe. The project builds on the completed Refugees and recognition - Toolkit project, where a common methodological approach to the recognition of refugees' qualifications was developed.

The overall goal of the ARENA project is to enhance the mobility, employability and access to further studies for refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation, including those without official documentation of their educational and job background.

Funded by the European Commission, the project will cover the period 2020-2022 and is coordinated by NOKUT, the ENIC-NARIC Norwegian agency. It is a joint cooperation among ENIC-NARIC boards and higher education institutions. CIMEA and the University of Brescia are the two representatives for Italy.


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