University of Brescia applies the supporting provisions indicated in Italian and international regulations for the assessment of foreign qualifications achieved by holders of International protection or asylum seekers in case that the relevant documentation is incomplete or missing.
Our university applies Article VII of the Lisbon Convention, adopted in Italy by paragraph 3bis of Article 26 of Legislative Decree no. 251/2007 and confirmed in the Procedures issued yearly by the Ministry of University and Research concerning admission to higher education of candidates holding foreign qualifications and asylum seekers:
«Each Party shall take all feasible and reasonable steps within the framework of its education system and in conformity with its constitutional, legal, and regulatory provisions to develop procedures designed to assess fairly and expeditiously whether refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation fulfil the relevant requirements for access to higher education, to further higher education programmes or to employment activities, even in cases in which the qualifications obtained in one of the Parties cannot be proven through documentary evidence».
Pursuant to the above mentioned provisions, paragraph 8 of Article 10 in the University of Brescia Students' regulation establishes that foreign qualifications achieved by holders of international protection status and asylum seekers will be assessed even though relevant documents are incomplete or missing. University offices refer to indications and methodologies defined by ENIC-NARIC centers, along with effective recognised international procedures.
«Per l’ammissione ai corsi di studio l’Ateneo valuta l’idoneità dei titoli di studio conseguiti all’estero da titolari dello status di rifugiato o di protezione sussidiaria in Italia, anche nei casi in cui i titoli non possono essere comprovati dai relativi documenti.
A tal fine l’Ateneo si avvale dell’esperienza e della certificazione prodotta dai centri ENIC-NARIC nonché delle buone pratiche stabilite a livello internazionale in materia di accesso di titolari di protezione internazionale.
Il Rettore provvede a valutare specifici casi residuali di Studenti profughi o in condizioni simili a quelle dei rifugiati in materia di requisiti per l’accesso ai Corsi di Studio».
Appointed office
Holders of international protection and asylum seekers can get information about procedures for their foreign qualifications assessment at International students admission office.