Listening and counselling space
Academic community and life offer both motivations and challenges that students are required to face. Sometimes, difficulties prevent students to calmly and positively pursue their studies and deeply affect their well-being.
In order to improve and support students' wellness, the University of Brescia set up a listening space that students can contact in order to cope with any issues they encounter during academic career: complicated relationships with peers and professors; difficulties in completing their educational pathway; fears to have missed the right choice for their future; ...
A specialized counselor at Spazio Studenti helps analyze problems and find out proper and effective strategies to go ahead.The offered service is free of charge.
To access Spazio studenti appointments are compulsory. To arrange a meeting you can, alternatively
- call 0302016072 and leave a message on answering machine
- send an e-mail to [email protected]
Spazio Studenti offices are located in :
- Corso Mameli, 27 (Mercanzie palace)
for students enrolled in Economics and Law area
- Via Valotti, 3
for students enrolled in Engineering and Medicine area
The expert at Spazio Studenti works as external counselor and is going to carry out exclusively and in strict confidence the processing of personal data and information provided during the meetings, according to the provisions concerning professional secret and in compliance with Italian and European regulations about Data protection currently in force.
Spazio Studenti service is offered in cooperation with the Clinical and dynamic psychology unit of University of Brescia, managed by Prof. Alberto Ghilardi.
In addition to the Spazio studente regular service, since 2017/2018 a.y. the Clinical and dynamic psychology unit of University of Brescia (managed by Prof. Alberto Ghilardi) has been organizing Group counseling initiatives addressing students of all areas. The general aim is to foster students' well-being and to improve their positive attitude towards academic community.
The Group counseling is a help service that through the sharing of personal matters enable students to
- better personal wellness and quality of life
- facilitate change processes
- strengthen development
- improve personal resources
- enhance relationships with the context
Participation in the group is free of charge.
In order to register students must send an email to [email protected].
External services
Associazione centro migranti
- Listening space
- Paperworks
- Residence
- Legal avice
- CV preparation
- Job
Cooperativa Kemay
The Cooperativa Sociale Kemay was established in November 2015 and takes its roots in Caritas Diocesana fundamental values, aiming at supporting welcome of asylum seekers by parish communities.
Cooperativa K-Pax
The Cooperativa K-Pax was established in 2008 by a group of professionals and guests operating in reception facilities. Effective practicability and shared values of social and well-traveled solidarity are the main features of the Cooperativa K-Pax, that takes advantage of a long experience in supporting projects addressing asylum seekers, refugees, and adults and minors at risk.