
Architectural Culture as Foundation of the Project

In promoting ecologically balanced and sustainable development of the built environment it necessary to be able to conceptualize, design, understand, and implement the act of building in an innovative way, addressing complex problems that find synthesis in the architectural project, in its extension from detail to spatiality within the urban dimension. The innovation of techniques in contemporary design is in fact necessarily compared with the ability in representing and reading architectural, material, and historical construction (essential aspects to develop the project), as well as with the need to govern the project and its construction in the complex balance between individual, environment, and technology. This process needs to be in line with social demand, within the limits imposed by the regulatory framework, and in a correct time-cost-quality ratio.

Involved groups:

The Building Architectural Engineering

Architectural and Urban Composition

Disegno e rilievo

Building Production

Storia dell'architettura



Last updated on: 17/10/2022