Single courses

By enrolling in a single course, you will be able to attend classes, take a final exam, and obtain a certification that will allow you to:

  • continue your studies;
  • update your knowledge;
  • gain new professional skills.

Students may enrol in a single course in compliance with the required prerequisites and for a maximum of 60 ECTS per academic year, with the exception for any limits established by the didactic regulations of the various degree programmes.

Studentessa con computer
Courses and programmes


Who can enrol:

  • students enrolled in foreign universities according to international mobility programmes and agreements regulated by conditions of reciprocity, as well as  by their own initiative according to general law provisions;
  • subjects with the required qualifications (Italian or foreign) who are not enrolled in any degree programmes at the University of Brescia or other Italian universities and wish to enroll in one or more single course without restricted access with the aim of continuing their studies;
  • law graduates (Master’s Degree Course) who wish to attend single courses at the specialization schools for legal professions without necessarily taking the annual assessment exam.
  • students enrolled under condition in a graduate degree programme, who must obtain their qualification within the prescribed deadlines;
  • students enrolled in Specialization Schools;
  • subjects enrolled in PhD programmes, graduate degree programmes, or specialization courses;
  • students already enrolled for the same academic year in an undergraduate or graduate degree programme in this or another university.

Only international exchange students and students attending a professional training internship may enroll in single courses with national/ local restricted access.


Application deadlines and procedures for EU and extra- EU students residing in Italy are the same as for Italian students. In addition, applicants must submit documents (translated and certified) confirming that they hold either a foreign high school diploma or a university degree, or that they are enrolled in a University of provenance.
Extran-EU citizens residing abroad will also have to submit the  enrolment application to the Italian diplomatic representations within the deadlines established annually by the competent Ministries (see the Admission page for international students).

The above mentioned indications regarding the amounts to be paid also apply to foreign students (in any case only a revenue stamp of €16,00 will be paid by both students who take part into inter-university mobility programmes and by students enrolled in universities with which specific agreements are in place) .


When you can enrol:

Fall semester / term or annual courses: from 24 August 2023 to 16 October 2023

Spring semester courses: from 1 January 2024 until 3 April 2024

Enrolment is valid only for the academic year of reference.

Students must take the final exam during one of the exam sessions of the academic year of reference.


To enrol in one or more single course, you will need to pay a fee, which will be calculated according to a) your ISEE-University declaration; b) the degree programme in which the activity you want to enroll in. The amount of the enrolment fee depends also on the number of credits you intend to earn.

Last updated on: 21/02/2024