Call for peace between Russia and Ukraine

Data news
Appello per la pace tra Russia e Ucraina

Article 11 of the Italian Constitution, this year celebrating its 75th anniversary, reads as follows:

“Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offense to the freedom of other peoples and as a means for the resolution of international disputes; on an equal footing with the other States it agrees to the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order ensuring peace and justice among the nations; promotes and fosters the international organizations targeted for this purpose”.

With such a constitutional principle as a beacon and a sure reference we call on the parties at war for a rapid cease-fire and an opening of serious peace talks to solve the conflict.

The Italian Government is invited to resolutely take any action to “promote and foster the international organisations ensuring peace and justice” between Russia and Ukraine.

We express our closeness to the families of both civilians and soldiers died in the war between two countries whose culture is rooted in the millennial European civilization.

Brescia, 24 February 2023


Last updated on: 27/02/2023