Architectural Preservation . The German point of view

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Martedì 28 marzo in aula B1.8 con inizio alle ore 13.00, il Prof. Dr. Ing. Frank Braun Architekt Hochschule Wismar terrà un  workshop dal titolo:

Architects and architectural monuments:methodology, working steps, guiding principles.
Sustainability and building conservation: approaches, experiences and examples from Nothen Germany.

Giovedì 30 marzo in aula B1.6 con inizio alle ore 09.00, il Prof. Dr. Ing. Frank Braun  Architekt Hochschule Wismar  terrà un workshop dal titolo:

20 th century architecture in Germany:
(Re) Building activities in Germa town centres 1945-1960 from today' s point of view betwen demolition and protection