Math Time II: Minisymposium on Variational Analysis and Applications

Data news
Economia Chiostro di San Faustino

When: Friday, June 23rd, 2023, 2:30 PM

Where: Sala della Biblioteca, S. Faustino Building



Prof. Elisabetta AlleviUniversity of Brescia
Prof. Laura ScrimaliUniversity of Catania
Prof. Mauro PassacantandoUniversity Bicocca of Milan
Prof. Miguel CarriónUniversity of Castilla La Mancha
Prof. Monica MilasiUniversity of Messina

Organizing Committee: Proff. E. Allevi, M. R. Dominguez, G. Oggioni, R. Riccardi & D. Scopelliti


To participate online or in person, please fill in this form.
Registered participants of the online event will receive the link to the call a few days before the seminar.


Introduction: Prof. Elisabetta Allevi (2:30-2:40)

1st Lecture: A Stackelberg game formulation of live-streaming platforms under donation-based mechanismsProf. Laura Scrimali (2:40-3:15)

2nd Lecture: A finite convergence algorithm for solving linear-quadratic network games with strategic complements and bounded strategiesProf. Mauro Passacantando (3:15-3:50)

3rd Lecture: Optimal hybridization of existing solar power plants: A stochastic programming approachProf. Miguel Carrión (3:50-4:25)

4th Lecture: Characterizing a class of social ranking functionsProf. Monica Milasi


For more information on the lectures to be delivered during the course of the event, please see the attached poster providing a detailed programme of the seminar.