Energy Management and Energy manager


Information about university initiatives on rational energy use and energy saving can be found in this section.

University Energy Manager

The Energy Manager, a position established following Law 10/91, Art. 19, and Legislative Decree 115 of 30/05/2008, promotes better use of energy in the building they are responsible for. Therefore, they have to understand the operations, procedures and anything else necessary to promote the rational use of energy. Mr Lucio E. Zavanella, a full professor of Industrial Mechanical Systems in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, is the University  Energy Manager and he will initially be concerned with spreading the university energy efficiency culture.

The University of Brescia has decided to deal with the rationalisation of energy use project by creating a specific brand, presented on this page, and which will characterise all institutional communications on the matter. It consists of a battery, an element generating direct current and symbol of the energy charge which, through the commitment of every user, is the contribution towards the aim of reducing the environmental impact for an eco-sustainable future.

Information on consumption, self-produced energy and best efficiency practices and also on the university’s participation in awareness-raising events on the topic will be made available to users on these pages.


University Energy Manager
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia
Tel. +39 0303715581
[email protected]