Research and innovation for sustainable growth: the case of Bergamo and Brescia ecosystems

Data news
Ricerca e innovazione per una crescita sostenibile: il caso degli ecosistemi di Bergamo e Brescia

The University of Bergamo and the University of Brescia, in partnership with Regione Lombardia EU Delegation in Brussels, will present the joint research and innovation strategies of the two Universities.

The event will focus on two important areas in which both Universities are particularly active and have generated impactful research:
• sustainable manufacturing ecosystems
• valorisation of territorial and cultural assets

This initiative offers a unique opportunity to strengthen a constructive dialogue by sharing insights on these major topics, and paving the way to collaborations and synergies that may catalyze further advancements in research, innovation, and sustainable development.


17.00 - 17.10
Opening and welcome
Raffaele Cattaneo, Undersecretary for International and European
Relationships, Lombardy Region Government

17.10 - 17.25
The specialisation of Bergamo and Brescia Regions
Michele Malvestiti, Head of EU liaison office - Confindustria
Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Lecco e Sondrio

17.35 - 17.50
R&I strategy of the Universities of Bergamo and Brescia
Alessandro Padovani, Deputy-Rector for Research - University of Brescia
Mariafrancesca Sicilia, Deputy-Rector for Research - University of Bergamo

17.50 - 18.30
Presentation of research projects and capabilities of the Universities of Bergamo and Brescia:
◼︎ Sustainable manufacturing ecosystems
Elza Bontempi (University of Brescia), Massimiliano Granieri
(University of Brescia), Fabiana Pirola (University of Bergamo)
◼︎ Valorisation of territorial assets
Federica Burini (University of Bergamo), Gianni Gilioli (University of Brescia

18.30 - 19.00
Roundtable: European perspectives and opportunities for interregional cooperation based on smart specialisation
Massimo Busuoli (UniLion, Chair), Ewa Chomicz (ERRIN, Policy and Engagement Manager), Wim De Kinderen (Vanguard Initiative, Director), Maurizio Tira (EUA, Board Member)
Moderator: Giacomo Copani (Head of Research and Third Mission Office, University of Bergamo)

Conclusions and networking reception


Event Moderator: Giuseppe Costa, Director of European Relations - Brussels
Delegation to the EU, Lombardy Region Government

It will be possible to participate remotely by sending the request to [email protected]. The remote connection link will be sent by email the day before the event.