From June 24th to June 28th, 2024, UNIBS (University of Brescia) proposes a Summer School (MAD on Summer – website on advanced machinery diagnostics, organized by Monica Tiboni (University of Brescia), Marco Cocconcelli, Gianluca D'Elia, and Riccardo Rubini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Luigi Garibaldi and Alessandro Paolo Daga (Politecnico di Torino), Paolo Lino Emilio Maria Pennacchi (Politecnico di Milano), Francesco Castellani (University of Perugia), Emiliano Mucchi, and Giorgio Dalpiaz (University of Ferrara). The lectures will be held by internationally renowned professors, among the leading experts in the field. In addition to the Italian professors, there will be significant contributions from three professors from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), KU Leuven University (Belgium), and New South Wales University (Australia). It involves professors from nine important Italian and international universities.
It is a high-level training school that addresses topics in Machinery Diagnostics aimed at Condition Monitoring, with vibration analysis and the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques.
The aim of the summer school is to provide advanced-level skills and knowledge for the design and development of predictive diagnostic solutions for mechanical systems applied in different fields. The school offers specialized training for university doctoral students and technicians from companies.
The application of increasingly advanced methodologies for monitoring and diagnostics of production systems, both in industrial and energy contexts, fits into the context of the growing need for efficiency in production systems, which has a significant impact on their environmental sustainability. Moreover, the application of emerging Artificial Intelligence technologies is and will increasingly play a very important role in this field, and therefore, the training of experts with these skills is strategic.
The summer school also involves active participation of companies in a series of workshops, where engineers from R&D offices of some companies operating in the industrial sector and manufacturers of measurement instruments will present concrete cases of application of the methodologies seen within the school.
The companies Metalwork, Kosme, Dewesoft, PCB, and Siemens are supporting the event with donations.